
性别 : 女
籍贯 : 四川·渠县
出生日期 : 1973年7月
职称/职务 : 教授/博导,应用经济系主任、学科负责人、国际经济与贸易专业负责人
邮箱地址 : zfliao@shou.edu.cn
联系方式: 15502170565
2009.09—2012.06,中国人民大学经济学院, 世界经济专业,经济学博士
2017.07—, 437ccm必赢国际首页欢迎您,应用经济系教授,博导,系主任,国贸专业负责人,校学术委员会委员
2013.05—2016.02,复旦大学,应用经济学, 博士后
1. 2023年,2022-2023学年437ccm必赢国际首页欢迎您师德标兵(先进个人)
2. 2023年,2023年全国高校商业精英挑战赛国际贸易专业竞赛一等奖指导老师,中国国际贸易促进委员会商业行业委员会
3. 2022年,437ccm必赢国际首页欢迎您优秀研究生导师
4.2020年, 2020年上海市高校商业精英挑战赛国际贸易专业竞赛二等奖指导老师,上海市教育委员会
1. 2023.02-2028.12,国家社会科学基金重大研究专项子课题,深蓝空间拓展视角下中国海洋经济安全研究,主持
2. 2023.05-2023.12,437ccm必赢国际首页欢迎您海洋战略智库研究中心开放课题,中美战略竞争视角下的中国海洋经济安全风险及应对策略,主持
3. 2020.09-2021.08,中国(上海)自贸区临港新片区高新产业和科技创新服务业专项项目,临港新片区蓝色经济“十四五”规划,主持
4. 2020.06-2021.02,“复旦大学-金光集团思想库”2020年度课题,打造中国制造强国的财政金融支持政策研究,主持
5. 2018.11-2019.05,上海市浦东新区财政学会,关于进一步创新完善与打响“上海制造”品牌相适应的财税政策体系的若干问题研究,主持
6. 2018.09-2022.12,国家社科基金后期资助 附加值贸易网络关系视角的中国对外贸易模式及转型升级研究,主持
7. 2018.07-2023.02,教育部社科规划,网络演进视角下国际货币权力转移及人民币国际化对策研究,主持
8. 2014.07-2017.07,教育部社科规划,美国非常规货币政策对中国经济的溢出效应:基于大宗商品价格波动的视角,主持
9. 2016.06-2019.06,广东省自然科学基金,附加值贸易网络关系视角的中国对外贸易模式及转型升级研究,主持
10. 2013.09-2015.05,博士后面上基金,美国非常规货币政策的国际溢出效应研究,主持
11. 2011.01-2013.12,国家社科基金子课题,海洋战略性新兴产业界定与我国海洋产业发展基础研究,主持
12. 2014.01-2016.12,创新强校项目(省级平台),海上丝绸之路建设——基于南海次区域海洋经济合作视角的研究,主持
13. 2010.06-2012.09,广东育苗工程项目,中国海洋产业贸易竞争力研究,主持
14. 2016.04-2016.12,农业部水产学会,中美水产品贸易现状及趋势预测,主持
15. 2015.04-2015.12,农业部水产学会,金融危机后全球对虾贸易分析,主持
16. 2014.04-2014.12,农业部水产学会, 美国水产品市场动态跟踪研究,主持
17. 2013.04-2013.12,农业部水产学会,美国水产品市场及对虾产业及贸易研究,主持
18. 2014.07-2017.05,新疆财经大学人文社科重点研究基地项目,丝绸之路经济带之新疆与中亚国家贸易畅通研究,主持
19. 2014.05-2015.04,广东海洋大学人文社科专项,海上丝绸之路建设——基于南海次区域海洋运输合作的视角,主持
20. 2015.01-2015.12,广东海洋大学自然科学基金,中国的国际分工地位与外部失衡再考察:基于附加值贸易视角,主持
21. 2012.09-2013.12,广东海洋大学级博士启动基金,基于利益分配视角的全球经济失衡研究,主持
22. 2014.11-2015.05, 湛江市商务局项目,关于进一步提高湛江市对外开放水平的意见,主持
23. 2010.09-2011.06,广东科技厅项目,广东省科技服务业激励政策的绩效评价,主持
24. 2009.12-2010.12,广东高校重点研究基地,广东省海洋资源深加工及贸易研究子课题,主持
25. 2008.01-2009.06,广东海洋大学自选课题,湛江对虾产业集群研究,主持
1.2023.05-2023.12, 上海市政协重大政策性课题,上海推进“海洋强市”战略的思路举措,
7. 2012.12-2014.12,基于土地利用变化的海岛生态补偿研究——以广东省东海岛为例, 广东省教育厅育苗工程(人文社科)
12. 2006.12-2009.12,广东海洋大学重点项目,中国对虾产业竞争力分析与政策研究——以广东省为例
1. 季伊慧, 廖泽芳* (通讯作者). 基于货物时间价值的北极航线集装箱运输潜力研究,中国航海(北核),2023(4):109-123.
2. 廖泽芳,王婉名. 空间溢出视角下中国对非援助的出口贸易效应,价格月刊(北核),2023(11):49-57.
3. 胡怡啸,廖泽芳* (通讯作者). 空间溢出视角下自贸区对我国商贸流通产业的影响——基于数字经济调节作用的分析,商业经济研究(北核),2023,15: 5-9.
4. 廖泽芳,杨思彤,王雪峰. 海洋环境规制强度、健康人力资本与海洋经济增长,海洋开发与管理,2023(05):71-79.
5. 杨灿,王雪峰,廖泽芳* (通讯作者). “一带一路”倡议促进海洋产业结构转型升级了吗?——基于DID双重差分模型,海洋开发与管理,2023(04):61-69.
6. 杨思彤,廖泽芳* (通讯作者).数字经济与现代海洋产业体系耦合协调关系及影响因素研究,海洋开发与管理,2023(03):123-132.
7. 张晴晴,廖泽芳* (通讯作者) .基于因子分析的滨海城市旅游产业竞争力测度及提升对策研究——以浙江省舟山市为例, 海洋经济.2023(03):17-24.
8. 任鹏豪,廖泽芳(通讯作者).汇率联动视角下人民币影响力研究,调研世界(CSSCI扩展),2023(02):47-56.
9. 陈紫涵,廖泽芳. “双循环”新发展格局下现代服务业开放对产业转型升级的影响, 商业经济研究(北核),2023,(01): 114-119.
10. 杨灿,廖泽芳(通讯作者). 估值视角下人民币国际化风险影响因素研究,金融与经济(北核),2022(08):21-29.
11. 王雪峰,廖泽芳(通讯作者)市场机制、政府干预与碳市场减排效应研究, 干旱区资源与环境(CSSCI),2022,08.
12. 廖泽芳,王雪峰. 中国附加值出口与人民币汇率脱钩了吗?--基于汇率不完全传递视角, 管理现代化(双月刊,北核),2022,03.
13. 廖泽芳,阎菩莲. 人民币加入SDR前后的国际货币权力变化及趋势, 上海经济研究(CSSCI),2021,03.
14. Bing Li, Zefang Liao. Finding changes in the foreign exchange market from the perspective of currency network[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications(SSCI),2020,123727.
15. Bing Li, Zefang Liao & Lijian Sun. Evolution of FDI flows in the global network: 2003-2012[J]. Applied Economics Letters(SSCI), 2018,25:20, 1440-1446, Published online: 25 Jan 2018.
16. 李霞,廖泽芳. 21 世纪海上丝绸之路视域下中国对外贸易与 OFDI联动发展考察[J].现代经济探讨(CSSCI),2018(8):66-73
17. 廖泽芳,李婷. 汇率传递异质性对中美贸易失衡的解释[J].世界经济研究(CSSCI),2017,07.
18. 廖泽芳,李婷. 外贸结构、技术复杂度与中国附加值出口竞争力[J].当代经济科学(CSSCI),2017,03.
19. 廖泽芳,李婷,程云洁. 中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易畅通障碍及潜力分析[J]. 上海经济研究(CSSCI),2017,01.
20. 白福臣,张苇锟,廖泽芳.进出口贸易与环境效率的异质性——基于中国省际面板数据的实证研究[J].经济问题探索(CSSCI),2016,06.
21. 廖泽芳,毛伟.中国的全球价值链地位与外部失衡:附加值贸易关系网络的视角[J].国际贸易问题(CSSCI),2015,12.27-38.
22. 廖泽芳,宁凌. 21世纪海上丝绸之路之中国与东盟贸易畅通——基于引力模型的实证考察[J].经济问题(CSSCI),2015,12.
23. 李霞,廖泽芳.非常规货币政策、溢出效应与国际协调障碍[J].上海经济研究(CSSCI),2015,11.
24. 廖泽芳. 欧洲经济失衡模式及调整困境——基于超主权货币视角的分析[J].国际金融研究(CSSCI),2014,01。
25. 廖泽芳. 全球附加值贸易之图[J].世界经济研究(CSSCI),2014,05.
26. 廖泽芳,彭刚. 全球经济失衡的调整趋势——基于美国中心的视角[J].经济理论与经济管理(CSSCI), 2013-01. (转载至人大报刊复印资料《世界经济导刊》2013年第3期).
27. 廖泽芳,雷达. 全球经济失衡的利益考察——基于估值的视角[J]. 世界经济研究(CSSCI),2012,09.(转载至《中国社科科学文摘》2013年第1期)
28. Shanghai, Global Contender: The Free Trade Zone and the International Financial Center.Special Subject III: Comparative Study on Open Policies in Six Fields of Service Industry in China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone(CSPFTZ). Shanghai People’s Publishing House,2013,12.
29. 廖泽芳,宁凌. 中国的全球价值链地位考察——基于附加值贸易视角[J].国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报(CSSCI),2013,06.
30. 廖泽芳,雷达. 欧债危机背后的货币博弈[J].国际金融研究(CSSCI),2012,11.
31. 廖泽芳,高维新. 美国外部失衡的消费风险分担考察[J]. 国际经贸探索(CSSCI),2012-12.
32. 彭刚,廖泽芳. 美元本位制下的全球经济失衡与调整——对当前金融危机的思考[J].中国人民大学学报(CSSCI),2010,05.
33. 廖泽芳,詹新宇.不成熟债权国、估值效应与中国的财富流失风险[J]. 当代经济科学(CSSCI),2012,01.
34. 孙立坚,廖泽芳. 新兴经济体或成为货币竞争受害者[N/OL]. 国际金融报,2013-04-16.
35. 廖泽芳. 叙局势加剧全球市场动荡[N/OL]. 国际金融报,2013-09-09.
36. 廖泽芳,刘可佳. 中国稀土的国际定价地位研究[J]. 国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报, 2011,03.
37. 廖泽芳. 全球对虾贸易与出口竞争力分析[J]. 经济纵横(CSSCI),2007,12.
38. 廖泽芳,宁凌.全球对虾贸易与出口竞争力分析[J].世界农业(北核),2009,04.
39. 廖泽芳. 中国自主品牌汽车产业发展与市场开拓[J]. 华东经济管理(CSSCI),2008,03.
40. 廖泽芳.中国企业走出去的困境与策略[J].企业活力(北核),2007,01.
41. 宁凌,唐静,廖泽芳. 中国沿海省市海洋资源比较分析[J].中国渔业经济(北核),2013,01.
42. 廖泽芳. 中国海洋产业贸易的影响因素与潜力分析[J]. 中国渔业经济(北核), 2012, 06.
43. 胡彩霞, 汪亮, 廖泽芳. 世界海洋渔业贸易竞争力分析[J]. 中国渔业经济(北核), 2012, 02.
44. 宁凌,廖泽芳,汪亮. 中国海洋渔业出口竞争力实证研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)(CSSCI),2011, 04.
45. 宁凌,汪亮,廖泽芳. 基于DEA的高技术产业政策评价研究——以广东省为例[J].国家行政学院学报(CSSCI),2011,02.
46. 廖泽芳. 中国水产品出口贸易流量与潜力分析——基于引力模型的研究[J].中国渔业经济, 2010, 06.
47. 宁凌,廖泽芳.中国服装企业品牌建设初探[J].华东经济管理(CSSCI),2007,03.
48. 宁凌,廖泽芳.我国保健品的品牌老化及其应对策略[J]. 华东经济管理(CSSCI),2006,12.
49. 廖泽芳等著作,《附加值贸易网络关系视角的中国对外贸易模式及转型升级研究》,中国人民大学出版社,2024年
50. 宁凌主编,《海洋综合管理》,中国农业出版社,2023年2月,参编
51. 廖泽芳,《基于利益分配视角的全球经济失衡研究》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年9月, ISSN 978-7-300-17159-3,20万字,独著。
52. 宁凌,杜军,张玉强,廖泽芳等著,《中国海洋战略性新兴产业选择、培育的理论与实证研究》,中国经济出版社,2015年8月,ISBN978-7-5136-3888-3,参与。
53. 宁凌,孙悦民,廖泽芳等著,《海洋综合管理与政策》,科学出版社,2009年7月,ISBN 978-7-03-025047-6,参编。
54. 教材,《国际金融》,武汉大学出版社,2014年1月,30万字,ISBN 978-7-307-10469-3,参与。
55. 彭刚主编教材,《发展经济学》(第六版),中国人民大学出版社,2013年,ISBN:9787300153940,参与翻译。
Self Introduction
Liao Zefang
Professor / Ph.D Tutor, College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Ocean University
Research Interests: International Finance, International Trade, Marine Economics, Fishery Economics and Management, Agricultural Management
E-mail : zfliao@shou.edu.cn
Phone: 15502170565
Zefang Liao, a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of International Economics and Trade, College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, a part-time researcher of Fudan Development Research Institute, expert of the Emerging Economy Forum think tank, member of the professor committee of the college of Economics and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, secretary of the Party branch of the International trade, Finance and Accounting Department, Reviewer of Studies of International Finance and Modern Economic Science. Main research directions: international finance, international trade, marine economy. More than 50 academic papers are published in Studies of International Finance , Journal of International Trade , Journal of Renmin University of China, Economic Theory and Economic Management, World Economic Studies , Modern Economic Science , Applied Economics Letters and other journals, including more than 20 CSSCI and SSCI papers, published 1 independent monograph, participated in the compilation of 5 books and textbooks. She presided over the National Social Science Post-funding, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund, the Chinese Postdoctoral Fund, and the Provincial Natural Science Fund over 20, and won more than 10 scientific research awards such as the Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (2017), the Emerging Economies Forum Essay Award (2015, 2016, 2017), and the 2015 Guangdong Social Science Academic Annual Conference outstanding papers.
2013.05-2016.02 Financial Research Center Fudan University Post-doctoral Researcher
2009.09-2012.06 Renmin University of China World Economy Major Ph.D degree
2004.09-2006.07 Nankai University Western Economics Major MA degree
1992.09-1996.07 North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power
Hydro-electric Dynamical Engineering BA degree
Work Experience
2019.01-2019.09 East Carolina University of U.S Visiting Scholar
2017.07-Now Shanghai Ocean University Professor/ PhD Tutor
2012.07-2012.12 Guangdong Ocean University Ocean Economy and Management Research Center,Vice Director
2006.09-2017.06 Guangdong Ocean University Lecture, Associate Professor, Professor
1996.07-2004.08 Changjiang Engineering Vocational College Teacher
Research Projects
2023.02-2028.12, Major Research Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, Sub topic, Research on China's Marine Economic Security from the Perspective of Deep Blue Space Expansion, Host
2020.09-2021.08, The Projects for high-tech industry and technological innovation service industry of China(Shanghai) Lingang Special Area, Lingang Special Area Blue Economy “the 14th Five-Year Plan”, Host
2020.06-2021.02, Annual project of Fudan University Jinguang Think Tank in 2020, Study on fiscal and financial support policies to build China into a manufacturing power Host
2018.11-2019.05, Pudong New Area Finance Association of Shanghai, Research on Several Issues Concerning Further Innovating and Perfecting the Fiscal and Taxation Policy System Compatible with Starting the Made in Shanghai Brand, Host
2018.07-2020.12, Ministry of education social science planning, Research on international currency power transfer and RMB internationalization strategy from the perspective of network evolution, Host
2018.09-2019.12, The national social science fund later supported, Study on China's foreign trade model and transformation and upgrading from the perspective of value-added trade network relations, Host
2016.06-2019.06, Guangdong natural science foundation, Study on China's foreign trade model and transformation and upgrading from the perspective of value-added trade network relations, Host
2014.06-2017.05, Ministry of education social science planning, Spillover effects of unconventional U.S. monetary policy on China's economy: a perspective based on commodity price volatility, Host
2016.04-2016.12, China Society of Fishery, Forecast of current situation and trend of sino-us aquatic products trade, Host
2015.04-2015.12, China Society of Fishery, Analysis of global prawn trade after financial crisis, Host
2013.09-2015.05, Post-doctoral Fund of China, Research on the International Spillovers of US Unconventional Monetary Policy, Host
2014.05-2015.04, Key Research Project of Guangdong Ocean University, Maritime Silk Road Construction: Maritime Transport Cooperation of South China Sea Subregion Perspective, Host
2014.07-2017.05, Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base Project of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Trade Flow between Xinjiang and Central Asia of Silk Road Economic Zone, Host
2014.04-2014.12, China Society of Fishery, Fishery Market of US, Host
2013.04-2013.12, China Society of Fishery, Fishery Market of US, Shrimp Industry and Trade Host
2011.01-2013.12, National Social Science Fund of China, A Theoretical and Empirical Research on Choosing and Cultivation of China’s New Marine Strategic Industry Participate in
2010.09-2011.06, Project of Guangdong Science and Technology Department, Analysis on Policy of Science and Technology Services Industry in Guangdong Province, Host
2010.06-2012.06, Excellent Youth Project of Guangdong Colleges and Universities, Research on Trade Competitiveness of Chinese Marine Industry, Host
2009.12-2010.12, Key Center for Humanities and Social Research in Guangdong Universities, Subitem of Research on Deep Processing and Trade of Guangdong Marine Resources, Host
2009.01-2012.12 ,Youth Project of Ministry of Education, Research on Construction of Financial System of Risk Prevention on Chinese Marine and Fishery Disasters, Participate in
2008.01-2009.06, Optional Project of Guangdong Ocean University, Analysis on the Shrimp and Prawn Industrial Cluster in Zhanjiang, Host
2008.12-2010.03, Zhanjiang Scientific Research Project, Research on Marine Management and Policy, Participate in
2007.10-2009.12, Project of Guangdong Natural Science Fund, Economic Analysis and Policy Research on Shrimp and Prawn Industrial Competitiveness of Guangdong, Participate in
2007.01-2008.12, Project of Guangdong Soft Science, Research on Combination Involving Production, Teaching & Research and the Commercialization of Research Findings of Guangdong Based on Interface Management, Participate in
2006.12-2009.12, Key Research Project of Guangdong Ocean University,Competitiveness Analysis and Policy Research on Shrimp and Prawn Industry of China: The case of Guangdong Province, Participate in
Academic Achievements
[1] Penghao Ren, Zefang Liao (Corresponding author). Research on the Influence of RMB from the Perspective of Exchange Rate Linkage,The World of Survey and Research,2023(02):47-56.
[2] Zihan Chen, Zefang Liao. The impact of modern service industry opening on industrial transformation and upgrading under “dual circulation” development pattern, Journal of Commercial Economics,2023 (01): 114-119.
[3] Can Yang, Zefang Liao (Corresponding author). Risk management and control of RMB Internationalization from the Perspective of Valuation,Finance and Economy,2022(08):21-29.
[4] Xuefeng Wang, Zefang Liao (Corresponding author). Market mechanism,government intervention and emission reduction effect of carbon market in China, Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment(CSSCI),2022,08.
[5] Liao Zefang, Wang Xuefeng. Does China’s value-added exports unhook from the renminbi exchange rate?---- based on studies of incomplete exchange rate pass-through, Modernization of Management,2022,03.
[6] Zefang Liao, PulianYan. The Change and Trend of International Monetary Power Before and After RMB Joining SDR. Shanghai Journal of economics (CSSCI),2021,03.
[7] Bing Li, Zefang Liao. Finding changes in the foreign exchange market from the perspective of currency network[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications(SSCI),March 2020,123727.
[8] Bing Li, Zefang Liao & Lijian Sun. Evolution of FDI flows in the global network: 2003-2012[J]. Applied Economics Letters(SSCI), 2018,25:20, 1440-1446, Published online: 25 Jan 2018.
[9] Xia Li, Zefang Liao. Investigation on the linkage development of China's foreign trade and OFDI from the perspective of the 21st century maritime silk road, Discussion on Modern Economy (CSSCI). 2018(8):66-73.
[10] Zefang Liao, Ting Li. The interpretation of exchange rate transmission heterogeneity on sino-us trade imbalance, World Economy Studies (CSSCI). 2017,07.
[11] Zefang Liao, Ting Li. Foreign trade structure, technological complexity and China's value-added export competitiveness, Modern Economic Science (CSSCI),2017,03.
[12] Zefang Liao, Ting Li. Yunjie Cheng. Analysis of trade barriers and potential between China and countries along One Belt And One Road, Shanghai Journal of economics (CSSCI),2017,01.
[13] Fuchen Bai, Weikun Zhang, Zefang Liao. Heterogeneity between import and export trade and environmental efficiency -- an empirical study based on China's interprovincial panel data, Exploration of Economic Problems(CSSCI), 2016,06.
[14] Zefang Liao, Wei Mao. China's position in global value chain and external imbalance, Journal of International Trade (CSSCI), ,2015,12.27-38.
[15] Zefang Liao, Ning ling. Unimpeded trade between China and Asean along the 21st century maritime silk road -- an empirical study based on gravity model, Economic Issues (CSSCI),2015,12.
[16] Xia Li, Zefang Liao. Unconventional monetary policy, spillover effects and obstacles to international coordination. Shanghai Journal of economics (CSSCI), 2015,11.
[17] Zefang Liao.Euro Imbalance Pattern and Adjustment Dilemma:Analysis on Perspective of Super-sovereign Currency [J]. Studies of International Finance. 2014,01.
[18] Zefang Liao. Map of global value-added trade, World Economy Studies (CSSCI), 2014,05.
[19] Zefang Liao, Gang Peng. Adjustment trends in global economic imbalances - based on the us central perspective, Economic theory and economic management (CSSCI),2013,01.
[20] Zefang Liao, Da Lei. Research on Global Imbalance: Based on the Perspective of Valuation, World Economy Studies (CSSCI), 2012,09.
[21] Shanghai, Global Contender: The Free Trade Zone and the International Financial Center.Special Subject III: Comparative Study on Open Policies in Six Fields of Service Industry in China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone(CSPFTZ). Shanghai People’s Publishing House,2013,12.
[22] Zefang Liao, Ning ling. Analyses on Chinese Position in Global Value Chain: Based on the Prospective of Trade in Value-Added, International Business(CSSCI),2013,12.
[23] Zefang Liao, Da Lei. Currency Game underlying Eurozone Debt Crisis, Studies of International Fiance (CSSCI), 2012,11.
[24] Zefang Liao, Weixin Gao. Study on international economic and trade exploration on consumption risk sharing of external imbalance in the United States, International Economics and Trade Research (CSSCI), 2012-12.
[25] Gang Peng, Zefang Liao. Global economic imbalance and adjustment under the dollar standard -- reflections on the current financial crisis, Journal of Renmin University of China (CSSCI), 2010,05.
[26] Zefang Liao, Xinyu Zhan. Immature Creditor, Valuation Effects and the Risk of Chinese Wealth Losses, Modern Economic Science(CSSCI), 2012,01.
[27] Zefang Liao, Jianpeng Zhang, Bing Li. Valuation Channel and Losses of Chinese External Wealth[J]. iBusiness,2013,09. ISSN2150-4075.
[28] Zefang Liao, Kejia Liu. Analysis on International Pricing Role of Chinese Rare Earth, International Business (CSSCI), 2011,03.
[29] Zefang Liao.Status Quo and Countermeasures on Soybean of China, Economic Review Jingji Zongheng(CSSCI), 2007,12.
[30] Zefang Liao, Ling Ning. International Shrimps and Prawns Trade and Export Competitiveness, World Agriculture.
[31] Zefang Liao. Chinese National Brand Automobile Industry Development and Maket Expansion, East China Economic Management(CSSCI),2008,03.
[32] Zefang Liao. Predicament and Tactics on Going Out of Chinese Enterprises, Enterprise Vitality, 2007,01.
[33] Zefang Liao,Jianzhen Zhu. Competition Situation in the China's Marine Transportation--and comparison with the world marine transportation powers. Marine Economy,2013,02.
[34] Ling Ning, Jing Tang, Zefang Liao. Comparative analysis of Chinese coastal provinces ans cities of marine resources. Chinese Fisheries Economics,2013,01.
[35] Zefang Liao. An empirical analysis on export trade influence factors and potential of marine products in China. Chinese Fisheries Economics, 2012, 06.
[36] Caixia Hu, Liang Wang, Zefang Liao. The Analysis of the Trade of Competition of World Marine Fishery. Chinese Fisheries Economics,2012, 02.
[37] Zefang Liao..Analysis on Productivity and Productive Eficiency of High-tech Industries. China Science &Technology Resources Review. 2011, 02.
[38] Ling Ning, Zefang Liao, Liang Wang. An Empirical Study on the Competitiveness of China’s
Marine Fishery Export. Journal of South China Agricultural University(Social Science Edition),2011, 04.
[39] Ling Ning, Liang Wang, Zefang Liao.Research on Policy Evaluation of High-tech Industry Based on DEA--Taking Guangdong Province as an Example. Journal of Chinese Academy of Governance(CSSCI), 2011,02.
[40] Zefang Liao.Export trade and potential of Chinese aquatic products—based on Gravity Model. Chinese Fisheries Economics,2010, 06.
[41] Zefang Liao, Ling Ning. Analysis of China's Shrimp Industry. Ocean Development and Management, 2009,04.
[42] Zefang Liao, Ling Ning. Analysis on Industry Cluster of Shrimp and Prawns in Zhanjiang. Fisheries Economy Research,2009,03.
[43] Ling Ning, Zefang Liao. Analysis on Competitiveness of Chinese Prawn Products Export. Chinese Fisheries Economics,2008,03.
[44] Zefang Liao, Ling Ning.Analysis on Prawns Industry’s Competitiveness in Guangdong Province. Fisheries Economy Research,2009,06.
[45] Ling Ning, Zefang Liao. A Probe to the Brand Building of Chinese Clothing Industry. East China Economic Management ,2007,03.
[46] Ling Ning, Zefang Liao.. Our Countryπs Healthy Product Brand Aging and its Countermeasure. East China Economic Management,2006,12.
(1)Zefang Liao. Research on Global Imbalance Based on Benefit Distribution, China Renmin University Press,2013.09, ISSN 978-7-300-17159-3.
(2)A Theoretical and Empirical Research on Choosing and Cultivation of China’s New Marine Strategic Industry,China Economic Publishing Press,2015.09,ISBN978-7-5136-3888-3,Participate in.
(3)Marine Integrated Management and Policy,Science Press,2009,07,ISBN 978-7-03-025047-6,Coauthor.
(4)Textbook, International Finance, Wuhan University Press,2014,01,ISBN 978-7-307-10469-3,Coauthor.
(5)Textbook, Development Economics (The sixth Edition). China Renmin University Press, 2013,ISBN:9787300153940, Participate in translation.
2020 Humanities and Social Sciences Third Prize of Shanghai Ocean University 2020
2018 Excellent annual assessment of Shanghai Ocean University
2017 The second prize of guangdong provincial outstanding achievements in philosophy and social science
2017 The emerging economies BBS essay prize of 2017
2016 2014-2015Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence of Zhanjiang City
2016 The emerging economies BBS essay prize of 2016
2015 Excellent paper award of guangdong social science academic annual conference of 2015
2015 The emerging economies BBS essay prize of 2015
2015 Asean issues research academic BBS essay prize
2015 Advanced individual award of guangdong ocean university 2014
2014 2012-2013 Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence of Zhanjiang City
2014 Excellent Essay of 2014 Gugangdong Social Science Academic Conference
2014 Agricultural Economics Outstanding Paper Award of Guangdong Rural Economic Institute
2015 Advanced Scientific Researcher of Guangdong Ocean University
2014 Advanced Scientific Researcher of Guangdong Ocean University
2013 Excellent Essay of 2013 Guangdong Emerging Economies Research
2012 Advanced Scientific Researcher of the School of Economy and Management in Guangdong Ocean University
2010 Teaching Demonstration Reward of the School of Economy and Management in Guangdong Ocean University
2008 Young Teaching Competition Reward of the School of Economy and Management in Guangdong Ocean University